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take action for fo

Get involved now to help Fo win!

Download logos, graphics, photos, videos, and more to show and share your support for Fo.

forward with fo media downloads

forward with fo media downloads

Download logos, graphics, photos, videos, and more to show and share your support for Fo.

Tag us with #forwardwithfo to show your support across social media!

tag us with #forwardwithfo

tag us with #forwardwithfo

Tag us with #forwardwithfo to show your support across social media!

Fo is meeting with on-campus clubs to talk about his candidacy. Make sure he meets with your club!

invite fo to your club meeting

invite fo to your club meeting

Fo is meeting with on-campus clubs to talk about his candidacy. Make sure he meets with your club!

Follow the campaign on Facebook and Instagram.

share fo on social media

share fo on social media

Follow the campaign on Facebook and Instagram.

Support Fo's campaign? Share your support with organizations you are involved in at Tulane and beyond.

talk to organizations about fo

talk to organizations about fo

Support Fo's campaign? Share your support with organizations you are involved in at Tulane and beyond.

The moment that all counts. Cast your vote to elect Fo the next USG President!

vote for fo on march 11th and 12th

vote for fo on march 11th and 12th

The moment that all counts. Cast your vote to elect Fo the next USG President!

don't know fo?

Fo is the candidate to move Tulane forward for all students, and you're going to help him do it. Share and spread your support on social media.

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